The financial impact of living a long life should be a consideration in your estate planning. That’s why we take a holistic approach to estate planning– so we can help you cover all the angles and live life to the fullest.
The financial impact of living a long life should be a consideration in your estate planning. That’s why we take a holistic approach to estate planning– so we can help you cover all the angles and live life to the fullest.
80% of retirement account beneficiaries immediately liquidate the account and frivolously spend the assets
All of these processes will prevent the need for a court to appoint a guardian for you if you become incapable of managing your own affairs. In my experience, it is important to do everything possible to avoid court and having a non-interested third party judge, who knows nothing about you, from making decisions that will impact your life.
Your first objective with these plans should be to contribute enough of your earnings to build up a nest egg that meets your projected goal. The next objective is simply to invest wisely
It’s no secret that a majority of Americans are ill-prepared for retirement. A recent post detailed the 5 steps you can take now to being repairing the hole in your retirement plan: 1. Pay yourself first. Set up an […]
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